Making a website, researching the apps, writing the articles and posting content all takes time. We try to be a bit different then the other Ubuntu big guys out there. Different apps, different angles, etc. We know its impossible to reach their heights, but we hope we have carved out a nice group of friends here.
We would like to let you know we have added a donation button on the right side in case you are ever inclined to send a donation our way. Think of it as Ubuntu linux friends sharing a beer or having a pizza together. If anything, its good karma!
And please dont forget to check out our sponsors who have provided software, online storage space, clothing, and more which keeps us out of trouble :)
Donations can be sent clicking the bitcoin graphic and copying our bitcoin address and pasting it in your bitcoin wallet or app to send to us. Its pretty easy if you are all set up for sending & receiving bitcoins, if not stay tuned for our article tomorrow.
If you have an Android or iPhone Bitcoin app you can also scan my QR code to send a donation.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we'll continue the love for Ubuntu and linux!
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